Salon News Asia
第三屆 TRIBU-TE Show 呼應歌劇院名劇
Hairstyle by
Make Up
<p>一年一度由英國專業美髮雜誌Tribute主辦的Tribu-te Show,今年將場地移師到西倫敦的Novello歌劇院,湧入超過800位美髮人。</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">主題呼應歌劇院媽媽咪呀</div>
<p>Novello歌劇院以晚間上演的歌劇《媽媽咪呀Mamma Mia》聞名,因此今年第三屆的Tribu-te Show也由此命名,以《媽媽咪呀Mamma Mia》作為主題,只是台上上演的不再是唱唱跳跳的歡樂戲劇,而是絢麗奪目的髮型秀,各個髮型大師在台上施展獨門絕活,一一講解所有的技巧,正如同Tribute 雜誌發行人Nicky Pope在介紹大師們出場時說道:「聚集了世界各地的髮藝天才,這將會是一場最純粹、最道地的髮藝交流!」</p>
<p>無可取代的髮藝大師Robert Lobetta用低沉穩重的聲音,朗讀獻給Tribu-te Show的詩句,為即將展開的精采髮型大秀揭開了序幕。</p>
<p><img src="assets/uploads/files/2014/103/96/%E4%B8%BB%E5%9C%96.jpeg?1612407604903" alt="主圖" /></p>
<p>The Tribute Show was THE show to be at in London&rsquo;s West End on Sunday night. Held at the Novello Theatre, the nightly home of the hit musical Mamma Mia!, the stage rocked instead with pure hairdressing genius; the music courtesy of the house DJ on-set, and the stage deconstructed to provide a gimmick-free, minimalist space that left everything to the imagination. An audience of more than 800 British and international hairdressers were mesmerized for 3rd edition of the Tribute show in the capital of cool.</p>
<p>&ldquo;This is a show that is all about unadulterated, pure hairdressing genius from world-class artists,&rdquo; said Nicky Pope, publisher of Tribute Magazine, as she introduced the fabulous roster of artists.</p>
<p>The inimitable Robert Lobetta opened the show with poetry dedicated to the ethos of the Tribute show concept, and the audience knew they were in for an inspirational night.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Brooks &amp; Brooks</div>
<p>Brooks &amp; Brooks以精湛的編髮技巧崛起於社群網絡,這次他們現場示範一組四股的五手辮,所有的編髮都與服裝相互呼應,例如髮型師們在兩束髮辮中製造出如拉鍊般的花紋,對應秀服背後長長的縷空設計,展現視覺效果的延伸。</p>
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<p>Brooks &amp; Brooks: Basing their show on the rise of hair tutorials on social media, the team from Brooks &amp; Brooks took their favourite look from and gave it a technical twist. Creating a four-hand, five-strand braid, the team created plaits with added detail inspired by a clothing brief to a fashion designer.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Adam Reed</div>
<p>Adam Reed為了向他在25年的生涯中視為偶像的女性們致敬,特別將表演安排成「Icon Evolution」,從蓬鬆的造型到浪漫大捲或髮髻,每個經典造型都是獻給那些深深影響他的女性。這場時尚偶像的髮型演進,是Adam八年來的首場表演,他興奮的說:「這次登台是我人生中最值得驕傲的一刻,我至今仍無法相信我正站在這個舞台上!」</p>
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<p>Adam Reed: &ldquo;Icon Evolution&rdquo; was the theme of Adam&rsquo;s first show in eight years, taking a look at the iconic women who have influenced him in his 25-year career. Inspiring and entertaining the audience, Adam created incredible textured looks with a nod to his favourite icons&rsquo; signature looks, finishing his models off with the ultimate accessory in the form of a giant bow. &ldquo;British Hairdressing is incredible and I can&rsquo;t believe I&rsquo;m on this stage right now! This is the proudest moment of my life,&rdquo; said Adam.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Jean-Luc Minetti</div>
<p>Jean-Luc Minetti將巴黎的時尚優雅帶上舞台,他再現了Alexandre de Paris帶起的編髮風潮,他將經典的技法提升至更高的層次。</p>
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<p>Jean-Luc Minetti: The glamour of Paris set the scene for Jean Luc Minetti&rsquo;s show. Evoking the signature style of Alexandre de Paris, Jean-Luc&rsquo;s erstwhile friend and colleague, here the beautiful hair artistry spoke for itself. &ldquo;Very chic, very elegant and very French&rdquo; were the modern chignons Jean-Luc created, using classic techniques and taking them to the next level.</p>
<div class="titleJL2 brHr my-5">Tim Hartley</div>
<p>一如往常,Tim Hartley向觀眾展現了其傳奇性的短髮設計,他將這次的創作形容為「帥氣時髦中帶點叛逆的衝擊」,線條分明、剪裁銳利的短髮讓上百雙的眼睛為之一亮。</p>
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<p>Tim Hartley: As ever, the hair legend that is Tim Hartley inspired and entertained with his short, sharp cutting techniques and fabulous stage presence. With his mantra being to &ldquo;work with love, grace and passion&rdquo;, Tim entertained and wowed the crowd in equal measure describing his cutting creations as &ldquo;chic, with a dash of vulgarity&rdquo;</p>
<p>Robert Lobetta為Tribu-te Show製造戲劇性的結尾,不負他設計鬼才之名,他邀請同樣充滿創意和才華的Skyler McDonald、Ebony Cheyne和Phyllis Cohen共同展演這場以毀滅和再造為主題的髮型秀。他們先將自己的前衛造型拆毀,使複雜的編髮基底顯露出來,再重新放上完全不同的造型頭飾,搭配上身體彩繪,真真實實的展現他們深厚的技巧和洋溢的天分,而觀眾也報以熱烈掌聲和回饋。</p>
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<p>Robert Lobetta: Ending the evening in dramatic style, Robert Lobetta lived up to his creative genius status with an incredible stage set to kick off his &lsquo;deconstruction and reconstruction&rsquo; show. Joined by Skyler McDonald, Ebony Cheyne and Phyllis Cohen (inventor of, the team deconstructed the Avant Garde hair of their model to reveal an intricate braided design, and proceeded to reconstruct an entirely different look with hair pieces and body paint. The reaction of the audience truly showed how excited they were to have the legendary hair stylist back on stage.</p>
<p>名髮型師Trevor Sorbie入行至今已經50年,Tribu-te Show的創辦人Mike Vincent也藉此機會頒發成就獎給Trevor,感謝他在這50年終的貢獻和影響。</p>
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<p>In between the incredible inspiration and beautiful work created on stage, Trevor Sorbie was celebrated for his amazing 50 years in the industry, and presented with an award by Tribu-te&rsquo;s founder Mike Vincent. With those he&rsquo;s worked alongside past and present, it was clear the affect Trevor has had on everyone he has mentored.</p>


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